Carry-on Essentials You Cannot Fly Without

My carry-on essentials have significantly changed over the years. This is mainly due to trial and error and realising how many things I was forgetting to pack for my holiday. I’ve also been on the other end of the scale and packed a bunch of useless junk that I didn’t even use.

I’ve now managed to narrow it down to a few essentials that I know I will make use of during my flight. Here’s what I pack:

First of all, you need a bag

The first (and most obvious) travel essential you will need is a good carry on bag. No matter what bag you choose for your carry on, make sure it has enough room to store everything you need (without being too heavy or bulky). There’s nothing worse than holding everybody up on the plane whilst trying to stuff your oversized bag into the luggage compartment.

Personally, I prefer to use a backpack that has a separate pocket for my laptop. It fits everything I need for my flight, and doubles as a handy daypack that I can carry whilst exploring foreign cities.

Earplugs or noise cancelling headphones

Noise-cancelling headphones have saved. my. life. Well, not exactly, but they did greatly improve my flying experience.

Not only are they great for watching mid-flight movies, but noise-cancelling headphones can also be used to drown out the sound of the engine, crying babies, chatty passengers and snoring from the elderly gentleman seated 9 rows behind you.

Shawl or a large scarf

Shawls can be used for almost anything. They make a perfect blanket for long-haul flights, can be rolled up and used as a pillow and made a great cover-up for visiting temples and sacred sites during your travels.

Eye mask

I never use an eye mask when I sleep at home but I consider it a carry-on essential, especially for long-haul flights. Sleeping on a plane is difficult to begin with. I personally like to maximise the amount of rest I can get before arriving at my next destination. Sleep masks are actually proven to reduce jetlag! They’re also perfect when your neighbour insists on using the overhead reading light at 2am.

Sleep mask


Have you ever fallen asleep mid-flight and completely missed the food service? I sure have. Or even worse, flown with a low-cost carrier where you have to purchase your own food on board. I’m not sure about anyone else, but personally, I’m not willing to pay $15 for a packet of crackers.

Charging cords and a portable charger 

Most planes these days have a USB port in the back of the seat. Regardless, I always take a portable charger on board with me, just in case.

Chances are your phone won’t stay charged during your 15-hour long flight. And there’s nothing worse than having to try and navigate your way through a foreign country with a dead phone battery.

Anker charger
Anker Portable Charger

Back-up clothes

I never ever used to pack extra clothes in my carry-on. That was until I lost my luggage on the way to Italy. I had absolutely nothing to wear apart from the clothes on my back.

I arrived in Florence at 1am wearing leggings and a t-shirt. It was snowing.

A collapsible water bottle

I have only recently discovered collapsable water bottles, and I LOVE them.

You aren’t allowed to take liquids through airport security and often the cups you get given on the plane just aren’t big enough. I purchased a collapsible water bottle from Kmart and it was the best $8 I’ve ever spent.

Plus, if you ask nicely, the flight attendants will often refill it for you mid-flight.

Drink bottle

So there you have it, my list of carry-on essentials that I never fly without. What are your carry-on essentials? I’d love to hear in the comments below!

Until next time,
Jetsetter Soph

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2 thoughts on “Carry-on Essentials You Cannot Fly Without

  1. Pingback: The 9 Best Travel Hacks of 2019 | Jetsetter Soph

  2. Pingback: The Fool-Proof Guide to Beating Jet Lag | Jetsetter Soph

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